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NGC6888 widefield in HST palette


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I started this object at the beginning of the month and managed to get the Ha and OIII data but as usual the clouds and rain came in so I have had to wait until last night when the weather forecast was cloud all night but the sky looked promising when I took Hunter and Gunner out for their last walk of the evening so I got everything set up and managed to get 3 hours of SII data. It was taken with

Takahashi FSQ106ED at f5

Starlight Xpress SXVF H36

5nm Ha, OIII and SII filters

Paramount ME

Auto guided by Starlight Xpress Lodestar and OAG using dithering

Exposures were 12x20 minutes each for Ha and OIII and 9x20 minutes for SII mapped to the HST palette so SII:Ha:OIII = R:G:B

All sub frames were fully calibrated with darks, dark subtracted flats and bias frames

The Ha and (Ha+OIII) versions can be seen on the 'Nebulae 2' page of the image gallery on my website http://www.imagingtheheavens.co.uk there is a full size high resolution image at this link NGC6888 - Crescent Nebula in HST palette photo - Gordon Haynes photos at pbase.com

where it is just possible to make out the "soap bubble" nebula to the lower right of the crescent

Thanks for looking

Best wishes



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Wow, as I often feel with your hyper-deep narrowband images, Gordon, the background sky is even more interesting than the official 'target.' Those 'walls' of nebulosity; I wonder where they go? Where do they end? Do they form part of some immense structure not seen in telescopic images?

Always something new in your posts. Great.


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Great image Gordon and i totally agree with Olly's comments. Just imagine what the sky would be like if our eyes were sensitive enough :mad:



Hi Guys and thanks for the comments, in answer to Kevin's last comment, I think the GP surgeries around the world would be inundated with all their patients complaining of insomnia:)

Best wishes


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