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All's Well That Ends As You Like It !


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The night was set to be clear, so decided to drift align my mount using EQ Align, It was remarkably easy, the only bad part was waiting the 15 mins or so to get decent drift co-ords. So after 8 rounds of alignment ( 4 for each axis) I am now drift alligned up to the wazoo.

Deciced to try it out with 30 min subs when my problems started, all my goto's were out because I'd shifted the mount- no probs re-do a set, so deleted the old ones in EQAscom and re-did a new set when the laptop locked up solid and the only way to get out was to switch off/on. Of course I'd lost all the data (save on park) so re-did them all again when - Grrrrrrrrr - computer locked up again.

Round 3 - I found it was a loose USB cable, so did the goto's all over again and parked scope quick - just in case! Then spent the rest of the night wizzing round the sky looking at everything I could find(kid in a sweet shop)

To cap it all as I got in and crept up to bed at 4 am all the loose change fell out of my pocket crashed to the polished wooden floor and woke Her Indoors up......oops:evil6:

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