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I was reading in the paper tonight that a NASA satellite has found 25,000 NEO's (in particular ASTEROIDS).


The report didnt mention how many of those 25,000 asteroids are a potential threat to Earth.

I was watching a show on tv a couple of years ago and it stated that there are ONLY about 8000 NEO's that are big enough to pose any kind of threat on the scale of wiping out all life on this planet.

I'm not gonna worry. If it happens....we wont have enough time to worry.

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yep, havent they got a new satellite to track these things? or is that the one you said about?


I only saw the report in today's paper so i am guessing that this satellite is the new one. I THINK the report said that the satellite has been up there for about a year now and has spotted 25000 NEO's.

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The governments will probably leave us to fend for ourselves whilst they lift off to a safe destination somewhere in the cosmos :eek:

It would have to get very bleak here before you would be better off somewhere 'out there', but I don't think they know that, so you are probably right.


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Its ok, we'll just get bruce willis and co. to drop a bomb on it and run!

Id love to know what the government ACTUALLY have planned in this event

As would i. To be honest i feel that they have one of two plans up their sleeve.

1/ Something so brilliant and amazing but they will not tell us about it because they dont want to cause worldwide panic and fear and will just release it at the right time when our planet is under threat.


2/ They have absolutely NOTHING and they couldn't care less because by the time they detect it it will be too late and we will all die in a split second anyway so why bother spending TRILLIONS on a defence system.

Take your pick.

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As would i. To be honest i feel that they have one of two plans up their sleeve.

1/ Something so brilliant and amazing but they will not tell us about it because they dont want to cause worldwide panic and fear and will just release it at the right time when our planet is under threat.


2/ They have absolutely NOTHING and they couldn't care less because by the time they detect it it will be too late and we will all die in a split second anyway so why bother spending TRILLIONS on a defence system.

Take your pick.

or....they might panic us into thinking an asteroid impact is going to happen so that THEY can spend billions on weoponising space....possibly, maybe

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