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Sky-Watcher Skyliner 150P with Canon EOS 550D

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Hi everyone.

I'm planning to buy this telescope as my first serious telescope.

I currently have a Galileoscope and already saw Saturn's rings last spring and was instantly hooked. :)

I've also been photography enthusiast for few years and last winter I tried some astrophotography with my Canon EF 50mm f1.8.

I've heard some concerns about Sky-Watcher's dobsonians not able to "reach" focus with DSLR's? Or that you would have to move the mirror forwards. Is this true?

I would have bought this adapter to connect my EOS 550D to telescope:

Adapter von 2" auf EOS Bajonett - volle EOS Öffnung! - Teleskop-Express: Astro-Shop + Fotografie + Naturbeobachtung

I wouldn't get into deepsky imaging but my main use would be photo/videographing moon and planets.

But I need the 6" aperture for modest deepsky observing.

The telescope only costs 199€ and most newtonians with EQ mounts are way more expensive and the mount might be hard to learn for a beginner.

So does anyone have thoughts or experiences on using this (or similar) telescope with DSLR?


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