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Toucam images from Fri 13th


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Heres some images again from last night all taken with the Toucam Pro2 SC1.5 camera and 2x Barlow except 2 which i used 2 barlows to get greater Magnification.

All set at 10 FPS on the Camera, Gain levels had to change to suit the scenes and also i set the camera at 5fps for the real close up shots so i could get better light gathering from the Camera.

All an average of 600 frames stacked in Registax 3 and little processing in PS CS2.

5" Frac on EQ6 Mount.

Hope you enjoy the pics as much as i have taking them and see how many you can name :rolleyes:



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Thanks Rog, i think a bigger scope is needed to get what i really want in my luar images may go for a 8' skywatcher again the extra light gathering of that scope is a huge plus and i miss the scope, thing is what to get rid of lol..


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