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Friday the 13th Moon


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Heres the Moon from tonight, taken with the 5' frac and Canon 300D at prime focus. Have lots of Toucam Images to share aswell but i will process them later today after some Kip :rolleyes:

Pleased again with this one.

Hope you like it.


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I was too excited :rolleyes::D

Here is two images one just using a 2x barlow and the other using 2x 2xbarlows (Really pushing the limits of the Scope here), it was really hard to get focussed and so forth but i think i pulled it off and iam very happy with the results.

More later.


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Have you got the franchise on the moon or something, you never fail to get a snap of it or two....

The moon nor stars graced my patch of sky last night.... :rolleyes:

James, the first one does it for me, its a corker... 8)

Caz :D

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Thanks Phil/Caz,

Got another 10 images to process yet :rolleyes::D...

Past two night it's been awful until the Moon risers then it clears at 11ish and things improve :shock:.

Using two Barlows is difficult in poor seeing but ya gotta give it a go, it's wonderful to watch on the laptop the moments when seeing gets better pretty much like being in a Luna module 8)

One thing i failed to mention was i ended up on the floor with the EQ6 mount on top of me whilst packing away (ouch) and waking up a few people with screams of laughter :D (DOH!)

Post some more pics in bit.

James :D

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Thanks Kain,

I have some images to post soon i'll start another thread for those :D..

Your doing well Kain with your images remember ive been doing this for a while now so the images should be good or at least half decent..

Hope you get the Moon again tommorow morning Kain :rolleyes:


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