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10x50 binos

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I've just discovered my girlfriends dad has some of these. Dunno what they are and they looked quite old but..

What can I expect to see with them without a tripod? Anything good? Or is a tripod really needed?

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Hi, i have some 10 x 50's and they are great. I can just about hold them steady enough for long observing periods. They can show a heck of a lot more than you would think, but nothing beats the power of a scope.



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Only one way to find out ;) you will be surprised what you can see, look for open clusters. Tripod is not essential but it helps, once focussed stick the eyepieces to your eyes and hold the end of the binos rather than half way along makes them steadier.

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I was out on Friday night for about an hour with my 10x50s and I could see so many objects.

M22, M13, M92, M57, it's starlike, M29, M10, M12, the Double Cluster, IC 4665, Albireo, Omicron 1 & 2 Cygni, lovely colours, and the beautiful starfields of Cygnus.

There are literally hundreds of objects to view. The moons of Jupiter can be seen and the moon looks wonderful.

The book Binocular Astronomy is great for binocular observers if you want to get into serious binocular astronomy.

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