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The thunder rolls.


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Set your DSLR on a tripod with something like a 28mm lens on it and point in the general direction of the thunderstorm.

Set it on the Bulb setting, with a remote shutter control or timer, and open the shutter for about 10-15 seconds, during the day, and anything upto 30 seconds at night.

Once you see a flash of lightning, close the shutter. and see what you got.

This is best done from inside a house or car, for safety sake and you'll find that the lightning will know when you've closed the shutter on the camera as it will alway strike the second after!! :D

I've got a Boltek Lightning detector as part of my weather station and had lightning on there for most of the day. I did get some strikes from around Dublin but most was over towards Norway yesterday.

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Daytime I would go for 100-200 ASA, nighttime then I would stick to 200 ASA but maybe try 400 ASA if you're in a dark area with no light pollution.

You don't want it too fast as you'll be taking long exposures.

On my Canon 400D the ISO is manual when using the Bulb settings, so it's worth checking what you have set it on. :D

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I've only been able to capture lightning once, and that wasn't really worth keeping. Like you, we don't very much in the way of thunderstorms up here.

I did capture this Shelf Cloud back in 2006 though:



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The Shelf Clouds don't occure very often in the UK, but with the right conditions.......

Mammatus clouds are quite common in the UK, we get quite a few up here and also Northern Ireland sees them on a regular basis.


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