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Tal mount died!

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I used my motorised Tal mount on Wednesday, no problems. Set up tonight and it is completely dead.

I've replaced the plug fuse and checked the little glass fuse in the transformer box (it's ok); checked all the connections in the various plugs to the transformer and mount; gently eased the split pins open a bit more on each connection to ensure good contact but still nothing.

Are there any more fuses in the mount itself I should try? Any other suggestions please? It all turns by hand ok, just no red light and no power!

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Right - I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in the power lead or transformer as I recall that I took the mount plug apart last night and was fiddling with the wires inside and it was all plugged in and switched on! By rights, if electricity was getting that far I assume I would be dead* (as opposed to incredibly stupid! Please DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! Electrical components should be isolated from the supply before you fiddle with them!) :D

Having learnt my lesson from this, I'm going to get a qaulified electrician to have a look at it for me (should have done this in the first place!)

If anyone has any hints or tips in the meantime (that I can pass onto the electrician of course!) they would be welcomed!

*It sudenly dawned on me while I was sitting in traffic this morning that I'd done this. M25 traffic didn't seem so bad when I realised that my stupidity could have left me dead, my little boy and baby on the way fatherless! What a moron! Please feel free to berate me soundly. :p

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Yay! The electrickity man had a look this afternoon and discovered no faults with the wiring (apart from the plug being wired the wrong way round! Not me - I got it 2nd hand). He discovered that there are TWO of the little glass fuses in the transformer box and one of those had blown. It still looked ok, but when he tested it, it was blown. I now know that these are T2a anti-surge fuses and you can pick up a pack of 10 from ebay for about £2.25 incl postage. Got some on order now.


And if you're looking for an electrickity bloke, I can highly recommend Keith Rochester of Epsom (do a Google search). He wouldn't take a penny in payment for what he did. Top bloke!

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