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one filter for messier marathon; JUST ONE!

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Assuming you have the usual light pollution problems, a LPR filter ( sky watcher etc) will help with the visiblity of the fainter objects.

Remember Messier only used a 2" refractor from Paris to find most of the objects, so they are reasonable bright.

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I have an Astronomik UHC filter which seems to help to some extent on nebulas such as M57 the ring nebula and M27 the dumbell nebula. However, I have never seen them "pop out" in my eyepiece with the filter, as some people report. I think in my light polluted skies they work, but the difference with what you see not using a filter is quite subtle. I am not sure how good this filter would be in your telescope, I use a refractor and a reflector.

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Hi Mario,

I'm assuming here that you're not doing this in one go, or if you are, you've not started yet. My suggestion would be to practice and find out what you can't see and take it from there. ( If you understand what I mean ? ) Then pose the same question when / if you need specific help.

Sounds a bit lame I know but that's what I would do.


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