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New Build

Robert Watson

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First of all buy this book as it's the best resource for how to go about building your own dob.

The Dobsonian Telescope, A Practical Manual for Building Large Aperture Telescopes


Also this website has a lot of dob parts.


Galvoptics, Oldham Optics and Orion Optics UK are a few of the mirror suppliers in the UK. Just be prepared for the shock of the prices though. Actually for a 16" dob picking up a second hand 16" Lightbridge at the right price could be one way of getting the mirror and secondary for a home built project.


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Many Thanks John those are very good web sites,Will look on Amazon for the book.PS having great fun with the dob had friends over from the mainland they were struck at seeing saturn so clear and a few clusters

Now that the long clear nights are here im thinking of putting the flocking in,just hope i don't make a pig's ear of it

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It's shocking to see that parabolic primary mirrors alone can cost the price of a Skywatcher dob.

I'm getting bits together to build a 12" Dob from scratch - and I guess its overall cost will be 20% cheaper than a Skywatcher equivelent. Somehow the DIY element is very appealing....

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You could always get a cheap dob and then 'rebuild it'. The Chinese optics are generally reckoned to be pretty good these days. I agree that the cost of buying the mirrors for a 16" are more than you can pick up a complete scope for, but you'll appreciate a truss design for a big scope or you'll have no end of trouble moving and storing it!



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Thanks all,

I do agree the cost of the optic,s is beyond my pocket,where would you pick up the chinese optic,s the challange to build a 16" dob is somthing i would like to do after seeing some home built scope's in a mag

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Hi All,

If someone was looking to build there own scope say a 16" dob where would you pick up the optics and all the bits for a build:icon_scratch:

I am NOT being smart but i think if you have to ask that question then you really are not ready to undertake the project.

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