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9TH Moon RE-EDIT wow Photoshop is good!


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Wow, hit the nail on the head with the Focus and Exposure with this shot i reakon?, has to be one of my fav images of the Moon i have done to date :rolleyes:

Conditions wise there pretty awful clouds and wobble vision seeing, just picked my moments with each frame and it seems to of worked out...

Taken with,

5" TS Frac f9.4

Canon 300D

98 Frames Stacked in Registax and Editted in Registax(wavelets)

Framed in Photoshop(no furher processing was needed)

I have some Toucam Images to post soon...

Hope you like this image.


James (Very happy)

Large and Small Versions...

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Blimey James :shock:

I particularly like this detail showing craters Messier, Messier A and the two rays coming from them. Current thinking is that they were produced by a very narrow-angle grazing impact.


Here's a pic from the Apollo 11 mission:


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Thank you for all your kind comments, iam very happy with the results the Round 2 images were done in better seeing conditions hence getting some close up images, seeing was around 6/10 for those. A strange night really battleing clouds and mist at first then just clouds and contrails from planes flying by, one thing though the Air had that hint of winter crisp to it which was lovely...

Steve, thanks for post the Apolo 11 image one of my fav features of the Moon, sometime ago at Manchester University we discussed how the Messier Twins were formed and we concluded that it was a narrow angle impact maybe from a Comet so its good to think others are thinking along those lines.

The cream Cake was lovely :rolleyes:

Thanks again


PS:My H/D is defraging at the moment :D

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3.16am :shock: No doubt we won't be seeing you until late afternoon.... :D

Caz :D

Pah, lightweight. I was still going strong at 4am..... :D

Cracking pictures JD. I know what mean about the dew last night, it was everywhere, it kept watering down my cans of Carling!! :rolleyes::D :D

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