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Strange pre-dawn phenomenon


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A few nights ago, I waited for Jupiter to rise sufficiently (to clear my shed roof!) to try out my MAK150. But I was frustrated by the coincidental arrival of a horizontal cloud bank. :rolleyes:


As the sun rose (presumably) behind the cloud, a single, diffuse, arc of "light" appeared, traversing the whole sky - From sun position to the opposite point on the sky? Or at least that's what I thought I saw! Just one ray (the same width as the milky way) was involved and it lasted for but a few minutes. There seemed to be no obvious, discrete, high clouds to be illuminated. The effect seemed REAL, but who knows... :)

OK, not hugely spectacular, but has anyone seen such a thing, or have a possible explanation? :)

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what are your observing conditions like? if they're particularly good, it sounds like you may have observed Zodiacal light, sunlight scattering off space-dust in the inner solar system

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The seeing was (as ever) rather indifferent? At 200m above a nearby coastline, we do seem to get quite a few bizarre weather phenomena. But I do sense it was indeed some variant on (morning!) crepuscular rays. It was quite interesting nevertheless. I am impressed with the number of (even local!) solar phenomena... At this time of year, particularly, never a dull moment, seemingly? :)


etc. etc. :rolleyes:

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