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Just got back from Egypt


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So yeah I just got back from Egypt.

Went on a stargazing excursion into the desert and it was amazing.

The view of the night sky with next to no light pollution was superb.

This was taken handheld so excuse me for the quality but was nice to be able to see (what we were told anyway) Venus.


They also had 3 telescopes set up and they were first set so we could see the craters of the moon which was amazing.

Then they were set to Saturn and to see it was even more amazing.

It's made me want a telescope so much more :rolleyes: Damn having no money!

We also had a guide there who used a pretty powerful laser pen (which I also want, a radioshack one, although I imagine they're illegal in the UK) to point out stars and constellations which was very good too.

Anyone been to Egypt? If you are planning on going there, I highly recommend going on one of these trips.

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You must have seen more then planets and the moon from truly dark skies, tell us a little about the milky way, how visible was it, did it truly look like a milky river of stars.

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Saw no Milky Way.

I think we saw several satellites. Way too high to be planes and to my knowledge stars don't move.

It was great to be able to visibly see blue and red stars.

It didn't help that the company that organised the trip had some camera men recording the whole thing who frequently shone lights on us ruining our eyesight in the dark!

I can't wait to buy a telescope though, once I get myself a summer job I think I'll go the skywatcher 130.

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Yes - I was in Egypt about 2 years ago. The skies were very crystal clear and I got to help a few people on the boat see some planets and even the ISS.

Out in the deep desert its amazing stuff. Dont be too disappointed with the UK skies now your back though :rolleyes:

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I'm amazed that you cannot see the milky way in the middle of a desert :rolleyes:, you can see it from light polluted Nottingham sometimes.

I would love to go and holiday there one day.

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Maybe I just wasn't looking very hard!

It's the kind of thing I'd expect the guide to point out so I'm sure it couldn't be seen.

The sky just looked like a bunch of white dots when my eyes focussed properly, really was spectacular.

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Sounds similar to a trip I went on one evening into the Sinai Desert at a bedoiun camp while on holiday in September 2006 at Taba Heights on the Red Sea coast.

It was the darkest sky I have ever seen. I remember describing it as being like a black velvet curtain upon which were hung the most exquisite jewels: the stars looked almost close enough to touch. There was a couple of Meade SCTs we all had the chance to look through. The arab guide spoke with a public school accent and used a laser pen, which are not illegal as such in the UK, so long as you use them responsibly and don't shine them at aircraft or into the eyes of those around you.

The only other time I have seen such dark sky was on the ferry one hot summer evening between Gozo and Malta back in 1995. The Milky Way was breath-taking!


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You didn't go with Thomas Cook did you? Sounds like the same trip!

3 telescopes?

No, Thompsons, but there were guests there from other tour operators, so it may well have been the same trip.

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I'm looking at holidays to Sharm, for our 10th wedding anniversary in Nov, is that where you stayed? If so, would you recommend a specific hotel (know of anywhere to avoid)?

Any info you've got would be appreciated as I don't know where to start.

Many thanks


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I stayed at Park Inn with my girlfriend in Nabq Bay, Sharm El Sheikh. It depends what you want really. Nabq Bay is basically just a road with loads of hotels on. It's not got much near it, if you want to take in a bit of culture you have to drive 20 minutes down the road to the town.

Naama Bay is good for that so if you want to be nearer the town stay near there.

Our hotel was excellent, I really couldn't have asked for more. It has it's own water park and the food was nice. We flew with Thomas Cook and the rep was excellent.

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