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Buying second hand astro gear.

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I'll start by saying that i am (by nature) the type of person who always goes for brand new ANYTHING instead of second hand. Its not that i have cash to splash but i'm a bit dubious of second hand goods.

Over the last couple of weeks i have bought a couple of bits from SGL members and i have received a few bits FOC from members (i thank you ALL).

I have been astounded by the condition of the items i have bought/been sent. They have all been in absolute pristine condition.........in fact more likely in brand new condition.

I dont know WHY i am amazed at the condition of goods received, because i have also sent out a few items that were also "as new".

My point is that my eyes have been opened. I would have no fear in buying from anyone here because i KNOW they have treated their astro gear with the same care that i give mine.

Moral of this story is................a big thumbs up to everyone here who sells. Its top quality stuff you are selling and no one should have any fear of buying.

There is ALWAYS an exception to the rule though, but so far i have not experienced it.

Anyone want to buy a kick *** alarm system for an Obs?

Its a 2.5 yr old female pedigree Yorkshire Terrier who answers to the name Chara.

I paid 700 euro, 2.5 yrs ago for it. I will sell for 10 quid.....................P&P included.

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I've too few posts to use the Sales section on here, but I've bought & sold plenty of used astro stuff on other sites.

I've yet to have a bum deal. Tbh, I think that the nature of astro buffs means that they are likely to have looked after their kit.

And I've had similar experiences with other hobbies: If you spend time on hobbyist forums (of any kind) you soon get a feel for which people know what they're on about. Such people are usually good to buy from - to the extent that I try not to buy anything new nowadays.

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totally agree with this and almost all of my stuff is bought used now. the main advantage is you can buy and test and if you don't like it, sell on with little loss - there's always someone looking for good gear.

everyone I have dealt with has been fair and sent goods quickly etc. and the gear exactly as described. hopefully others feel the same about items I have sold.

I'd always prefer to buy off here but also buy off Astro Buy&Sell and again no problems ever.

It's a testament to the suggestion that most people are still OK, thankfully.

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Likewise - all my gear is well used and picks up the odd nick from use, I always see my gear as working tools but its kept clean and looked after and the stuff I have sold has always been immaculate or had any faults declared.

Stuff I have bought has always been good too and I agree - if your buying from other folks who are 'into' a hobby they usually are reliable.

With that said I have seen some horror shows of scopes that have been bought by people who knew nothing or had little interest and really didnt look after the equipment. Take a look at my TAL restoration guide if you dont believe me :)

Thats the real danger for the tyro who is just starting out - buying from another tyro who may not have looked after the kit OR worse has looked after the kit in an inexpert way (cleaned the mirrors with Mr Sheen for instance :icon_scratch:)

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I can't remember the last time I bought anything brand new, I think it was an 80mm William Optics refractor, and that had to be all of ten years ago.

I have no qualms about buying second hand gear, as already stated, the vast majority of us take real good care of our gear, and the better condition it is in the better price can be commanded when selling on.

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I think that the key to a happy sale/trade is to correctly describe any damage/marks etc...

Pictures also help. I try to take care of my stuff, but it is inevitable that chip/lenses will end up with dust, dovetails will have marks, tube might have small scratches for rotating rings etc.

You just need to be honest in the description.

I've bought lots of stuff and sold lots of stuff - always been happy.



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The second hand market is where I always advise anyone starting out to go.

To me it makes no sense to spend big on a hobby until you have tried it out and decided it is for you. The second hand market allows newcomers to experience generally better scopes for the same money or the more basic scopes at a budget price. And as stated above, once it's used it doesn't tend to lose too much more value unless there is a radical new design!!!

My own equipment is a mixed bag of brand new and second hand. I only end up going for new stuff which is pretty rare and in short supply.

Echoing everyone elses thoughts, anything i have bought from here has been just fine.

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I've bought lots of stuff and sold lots of stuff - always been happy.



It seems to me and alot of others that selling on this site "frequently" can only happen depending on who you are. If your not one of the select few you will be classed as a "trader" and can no longer purchase or sell on this site.

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My ETX was second hand and from the best gent anyone could ever meet or want to The price was super and the unit was also suer with lots of extras. For someone starting out its the best way to go Because you may not like it and that way it will not have cost much because once you have bought second hand Third hand prices are roughly the same??

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