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RA Offset 45deg Problem

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Latest Update....

Brand new HC arrived today as promised.

Connected to mount/computer all worked fine with the pre-loaded AZ ver 3.0.3 firmware. Now to update with AZ 3.0.7. This is where I went wrong the last attempt.

After a very long, sphincter tightening and twitching two minutes the new firmware loaded successfully. What a relief. :rolleyes:

Many thanks to all for their help and support.


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I did EXACTLY the same thing at the weekend and could not figure out the whole 'offset by 45' problem until reading this thread this morning. I managed to overwrite the incorrect firmware without any problem and all is now well with my HC. All I can suggest is that you keep trying and that you download the firmware update and the installer again, in case of bugs or corruption in any of the files you are trying to use. I am pretty sure that you already know how to update the firmware but get the 'How to' PDF(if you haven't already) and follow it to the letter. Failing that I would give either Telescope House or FLO a call and see if they know of a way to re-boot the HC. Sorry I can't help more! Best of luck.


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for your empathy, if it wasn't for this thread I'd possibly not have figured it out.

The reflashing failed the first three times but succeeded on the fourth. Definite bum-squeezing time, but now all is ok.

I managed to align successfully for the first time and see (badly) some objects. Slewing not totally accurate but very close. Loving it :p

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Good result. :p

I found that extra care in levelling my setup resulted in very accurate slewing and tracking. I levelled the tripod first and weighted it down, then attached and levelled the scope.


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Good result. :p

I found that extra care in levelling my setup resulted in very accurate slewing and tracking. I levelled the tripod first and weighted it down, then attached and levelled the scope.


Thanks for the tips, Tony. I've also heard that reducing the length of the telescopes legs also helps. I'll try levelling twice, once without scope and then with, too.

I did a two star alignment and wasn't particularly careful with the stars I chose (initially I chose Deneb/Ceph but my neck was hurting so bad with Deneb at Zenith that I switched to Vega/Ceph instead).

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At present until I can engineer a purpose made pier, I'm using 3 lenghts of 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" x 1/8" aluminium angle strapped to the legs of my Skymax 127 with heavy duty wire ties to keep them rigid. This allows me to maintains the height.

It's also weighted by a 10lb sandbag slung in a (hammock) attached where the accessory tray join the legs.

All in all it's quite steady.


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At present until I can engineer a purpose made pier, I'm using 3 lenghts of 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" x 1/8" aluminium angle strapped to the legs of my Skymax 127 with heavy duty wire ties to keep them rigid. This allows me to maintains the height.

It's also weighted by a 10lb sandbag slung in a (hammock) attached where the accessory tray join the legs.

All in all it's quite steady.


Hi Tony,

That's great! Do you have any pictures at all?

I need to make something like that too as I'm finding that the scope is a little too low to the ground when on the mount. I really hurt my neck last night - lying on the ground, craning my head in order to see through the stock finderscope. I'm not sure I can go out stargazing tonight because of that.

Now, if I could somehow >raise< the mount or build a platform for the mount to stand on that also increases the stability of the mount, I would be so pleased! :p



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Here is a typical image I took last night, Nearly all the same.

When I first had mine, I set it up on a heavy slate type patio table with the tripod legs half extended. It was quite stable, but I feared for it being pulled off by all the trailing cables I had attached.



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Here is a typical image I took last night, Nearly all the same.

When I first had mine, I set it up on a heavy slate type patio table with the tripod legs half extended. It was quite stable, but I feared for it being pulled off by all the trailing cables I had attached.


I meant; did you have any pictures of your mount set-up? :p

I've attached a picture of Jupiter that I took a couple of nights ago. Not quite as good as yours, though.

I can't seem to get the exposure right on my point & shoot cameras (Canon A570IS & Panasonic Lumix TZ7). Jupiter always looks like this - a featureless bright disc.


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Sorry Mike I thought you meant Jupiter. No I haven't taken any of my setup, it's a bit Frankenstein.

My last go at Jupiter was the same as yours, I have had a better one here. http://stargazerslounge.com/beginners-help-advice/110574-first-planet-shot.html


That's a good shot of Jupiter. My best single-image of Jupiter is attached, and it's not great but I'm so proud of it!




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If you're like me and only been doing this for a few weeks, I think we are doing ok and need to pat ourselves on the back.

Just imagine in a few years (if we are still doing it) the images we will be able to take with scopes the size of Jodrell Bank, and CCD's that would put Hubble to shame.


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I agree. It was hard enough to get to this point!

I doubt either of us are going to get picture of the week this month though :p

I'm keen to trade notes - stay in touch! (I'm packing for my first star party tonight)...

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