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RA Offset 45deg Problem

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Are you doing this with the handset connected to and powered from the mount or with it powered directly and not connected to the mount?

Are you electing to upgrade the star databases aswell as the actual handset firmware?

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If I understand, you can approximate an alt azi mount to an EQ by adding a (45 degree?) wedge, could this account for the 45 degree error?

I thought the angle of the wedge depended on latitude?

In this instance though that doesn't apply as the Tony is using a SynScan AZ GoTo mount which doesn't require any wedging as the software is supposed to take care of alignment. Unfortunately, it seems the wrong software has been loaded.

If I were you, Tony, I'd get in touch with SkyWatcher tech support at support@skywatchertelescope.net as it seems you've tried everything you can think of. I would hop that they'd be able to guide you through the process of resetting the HC and getting the correct software loaded.

Good Luck!

(For what it's worth, it was a mistake anyone can make! :))

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It does depend on lattitude but I did put it in brackets with a question mark after it to indicate how it was intended to fit the context of the rest of the message.

However, I think it does apply in this case as the handset wrongly thinks it is connected to an EQ mount as I pointed out.

I think that the alignment info the user is giving back to it is therefore tilted and not what it is expecting to see.

I wasn't suggesting he had it wedged , or that he should. I was just pointing out that he therefore has a possible source of angular error which is in the ball park of the 45 degree error message he is getting.

Freff, can someone like FLO look at it for you?

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stupid question but are you using a USB adapter??? if so are you SURE your using the same USB port??? only if you change USB port it often changes the comm port details and maybe your no longer talking to the unit... i see no reason not to be able to undo what youve done apart from i would habe thought the handsets had a failsafe to stop you doing what you did i the 1st place.... but then you wouldnt be in this situation. I guess worst case its a new handset for you but im sure someone like FLO would sell you 1 at cost... You could then sell your old handset as an EQ version... ok not great news but a cheaper option. At least its cloudy mate so your not missing much. If its any consilation i VERY nearly downloaded the wrong version too... The description seemed to fit the descrition and on the home page it ONLY shows EQ firmware upgrades... stupid idea

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hmmn im soooo tempted to try and upgrade mine to EQ and see if i can get it back to Az lol.... thats the beer talking "slightly"... oh god i need to turn the puter off before i start making a mess of things :)

Seriously contact FLO im sure they will have some options for you? Failing that send an email to skywatcher and explain the mistake... im sure they have seen this problem many times before. Explain the website being missleading and the fact there is NO warning saying this cannot be reversed blah blah blah

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hmmn im soooo tempted to try and upgrade mine to EQ and see if i can get it back to Az lol.... thats the beer talking "slightly"... oh god i need to turn the puter off before i start making a mess of things :)

Seriously contact FLO im sure they will have some options for you? Failing that send an email to skywatcher and explain the mistake... im sure they have seen this problem many times before. Explain the website being missleading and the fact there is NO warning saying this cannot be reversed blah blah blah

Oh dear, its not good when it gets like that, lol.

Seriously some good advice, they have to be able to help and make sure to keep us updated on the progress.

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hmmn im soooo tempted to try and upgrade mine to EQ and see if i can get it back to Az lol.... thats the beer talking "slightly"... oh god i need to turn the puter off before i start making a mess of things :icon_scratch:

Don't Do It!!! :)

Oh dear, its not good when it gets like that, lol.

Seriously some good advice, they have to be able to help and make sure to keep us updated on the progress.

Yes some great advice and appreciated.

At present the HC is with the supplier, I shall ring them on Monday for an update. Of course I'll let you know the results.


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Its a high risk strategy and not for the faint hearted but you could try putting the HC in the freezer for about an hour. Wait for it to come back to room temp and any condensatio to evaporate and try again.

The freezing may cause the memory to drop whetever it has and revert to 'as built'. As I say its a high risk strategy but if nothing else works it might be worth a try as a last resort.

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At present the HC is with the supplier, I shall ring them on Monday for an update. Of course I'll let you know the results.


Fingers crossed for you Tony, hope it all works itself out :)

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Its a high risk strategy and not for the faint hearted but you could try putting the HC in the freezer for about an hour. Wait for it to come back to room temp and any condensatio to evaporate and try again.

The freezing may cause the memory to drop whetever it has and revert to 'as built'. As I say its a high risk strategy but if nothing else works it might be worth a try as a last resort.

Reminds of the days resetting radio security codes. :icon_scratch:;)


Thanks for your support. :)


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Thats precisely why I said its a last resort and a high risk strategy. My celestron Nexstar 4SE controller got very messed up probably due to freezing temp and lost the plot completely. It did however reload from scratch so it possible the base code isn't corruptible.

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Thats precisely why I said its a last resort and a high risk strategy. My celestron Nexstar 4SE controller got very messed up probably due to freezing temp and lost the plot completely. It did however reload from scratch so it possible the base code isn't corruptible.

If it's bad news from the supplier, then yes I'll probably give it a try if all other avenues fail.


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To right mate, lesson learned. I was going to ask if changing the software back to original was doable but decided to leave well alone until it was back in my hands. Perhaps I'll email SkyWatcher at a later date.


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To right mate, lesson learned. I was going to ask if changing the software back to original was doable but decided to leave well alone until it was back in my hands. Perhaps I'll email SkyWatcher at a later date.


Sounds sensible. Lets hope you get the handset soon and can get back our observing etc :rolleyes:

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I had to send back the mount as well as the HC, I think they were unsure of the problem I had so they ask for the two to be returned.

They have promised next day delivery by courier. I have checked with the tracking facility and it's on the way.

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