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SkyMap Pro 11

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I have just upgraded from an elderly SkyMap Pro 8 to 11. I loved it before. Now I'm in raptures. I know there are lots of planetaria out there but this one does it for me. I really enjoy planning with it, getting so much astrophysical data for things to be imaged, using the CCD calculator, printing finder charts for the Dob... great, great software.


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As a relative newbie, can you tell me the main difference between SkyMap Pro 11 and say Stellarium. For example can you use SkyMap to guide a mount or is it a resource for printing maps.

Many thanks James

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Another vote for SkyMap (I'm on version 10). Easy to use, incredibly useful functions like logging observations and being able draw up observing lists of non-seen objects and best viewing times. With a bigger marketing budget I suspect if would be used a lot more across the world. It will drive your mount quite happily too and seems relatively glitch free.


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Heh. I have just about every astro-app there is, but - believe it or not - I often find myself using Skyglobe when I need quick answers! :):icon_scratch:

It'll run on an abacus and is fast!

Of course, it can't control telescopes, and lacks almost every advanced function available within all modern apps, and the database is practically non-existent, but it's very handy when you're in a hurry and just want to know what or where something is.

SMP is great too.

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