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Having been given some tips by James, I have been trying to have a play in photoshop with a portion of the Moon pic I took last night.

I really don't get the Shadows/Highlights slider thing, I either burnt it out, or made it far too dark so really I didn't have a clue what I was doing...

What do you think?


Any tips on how to make it better, and how I actually do it in PS are gratefully received!


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Dont think you would get much better than that Kain its a decent image.

Thing is with Photoshop or any picture editor is that you cant replace burned out or over

exposed areas because there's no information there.

However if you strive to slightly under expose your images then you and your puter

can carry out a lot of positive editing....

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Just a little Burnt out Kain but it looks lovely anyway, not much really to improve on that and as others have said with the Moon at this phase it is difficult to get perfect.

If you take some images of the moon a touch under exposed and stack them you can achive a correctly exposed image esp with furthur enhancments in Photoshop, if you do this and find your stuck i'll be only to happy to help out.

Well Done again.


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