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Its amazing where you meet fellow astronomers.


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Today i was in a shop buying a card to send off to a fellow SGL member with payment for an EP he is selling me.

I bought a card that was astronomy related. The owner of the shop laughed at my card and i then explained that i was sending it to a fellow astronomer for goods purchased.

A conversation ensued where the owner of the shop told me that he loves looking at the stars and his daughter bought him a 12 month sub to an astro mag for christmas and his wife bought him a 12" scope.

He told me that he only knows a few constellations by sight and really is struggling to get to terms with the scope,star charts et all.

How could i resist.

I gave him my number and told him to call me and i'd be more then happy to "buddy up" with him and meet up and,observe etc.

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Great story matey. My kids always moan that I'd talk to anyone too:D

It's amazing how many people love the stars and moon etc but it looks like you dropped lucky there. Great views through a larger scope you might not want to handle yourself and in return you help a fellow gazer move on - win win or what??

It should be law that everyone has to look at least at the moon or Saturn through a telescope in their lifetime - might be a good way to convince people to consider light pollution! :D

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Hmm so far i've got one friend who has come out of the closet and announced he's interested and is gonna save for a scope. I think everyone else thinks i'm a bit of a nerd tho. They all seem impressed by my ability to spout interesting facts, but think i'm odd for standing out at night till three in the morning freezing my butt off, or cursing the sky when a perfectly clear day turns cloudy at night :D

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of the guys at work i would say at least 80% that have looked through my scope tend to be in awe of what they are viewing. sometimes i have to fight just to look through my own scope :D

Paul, did you mention SGL to the other guy?

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Hmm so far i've got one friend who has come out of the closet and announced he's interested and is gonna save for a scope. I think everyone else thinks i'm a bit of a nerd tho. They all seem impressed by my ability to spout interesting facts, but think i'm odd for standing out at night till three in the morning freezing my butt off, or cursing the sky when a perfectly clear day turns cloudy at night :D

hehe i can relate to that. :D

Well done Paul on finding a new astro buddy.

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Yeah i think most people find it more interesting that someone cares about the stuff that i'm saying than actually being interested in what i'm saying. I can honestly see people go from casual interest to brain dead coma whilst i'm talkin :D

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It might be the close proximity of the SEA, but quite a lot of folks round here, at least "know" about telescopes and astronomy. Many seem quite familiar with "focussing stuff" etc. or require rather little explanation! Every time I bump into some of my immediate new neighbours, they now ask: "Been out observing, recently"? Sometimes, I sense I am a bit of a disappointment! :D

P.S. One got a bit cheeky re. Venus: After a few seconds fiddling and frowning: "Is it supposed to be red at the top and blue at the bottom". He didn't seem terribly convinced either... :D

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It's quite odd but the friend i have from work who is keen to get a scope has a reasonable knowledge of the constellations and can find his way around the sky thanks to playin old video games. and who said those things would rot my brain eh?

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Rabbits are actually very keen on astronomy and have some very interesting theories about the birth of the universe but they just can't relate this information to humans due to their unfortunate inability to speak.

Don't get too worried about it sometimes the stars, the solitude, cold night air and the sound of the wind through the trees is all i need to feel alive!

It is the ultimate definition of peace my man.

Mind you my cats are always interested when i spot something new so a quiet companion is always fun to have along :D

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Lol, only the other day my friends neighbour caught me showing my scope and explained that he had been bought an identical scope for his birthday but didn't know how to use it, so I'm gonna try meat with him soon..... might be a bit like the blind leading the blind though! :D

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Heehee..I think you have missed a trick there Paul. Maybe what you should have said to him was ` oh yeah.. its a complete waste of time this astronomy lark..I would bother.. dont waste any more of your time...tell you what, as a favour to you i`ll give you fifty quid and take that monstrosity of a 12" off you hands.. `.

Or is it just me...... :D

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