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Trouble with registrax

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Hi all, I apologise as I'm sure this is a really noobish question. I've just installed Registax and taken a short video with my webcam.

The video is saved in my documents and its there when I look for it, but when I try and open it in Registax it doesn't show up at all, it's not there.

When I take a still photo with the webcam I have no troubles opening it with registax, the problem is just with the avi's.

Any help would be really appreciated

clear skies to you

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That's it!!!! Thank you Cornelius, I had just assumed it was an AVI file but it wasn't. I must admit I get lost with computers, I would definately class myself as a complete PC rookie. Its working now, thank you to everyone who offered their help. That's why I love SGL, people are so friendly and always willing to help. Clear Skies To You

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just for anyone else following this thread, as was previously mentioned there are different types of avi files. before I got my neximage, for kicks I shot an avi with my digital camera on a mount and was going to try to stack it, but registax wouldnt open the file.

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Something to bear in mind, there are different flavours to the AVI's also. I managed to capture a bunch of AVI's with the wrong settings, and the codec used for the AVI meant that registax couldn't handle them, although it would open the file, it wasn't able to process the content.

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Thanks all for the replies, If it remains clear tonight I'm going to attempt my first proper capture of saturn, even though it's getting a bit low I just want to get a short video so I can play around with it.

Clear skies to you

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