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North America and Pelican Nebula part 2 (Ha & OIII)


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You will remember that I started this image just over a week ago in Ha, well I managed to get another clear night to go out imaging in between the cloudy skies and work, I managed to get 8x20 minutes again using the FSQ106ED and Starlight Xpress H36 with a 5nm OIII. A lodestar via OAG was used for guiding with dithering invoked. On the subsequent sub frames there was much less OIII evident than the Ha and what there was showed very little in the way of structural detail but I am sure that it will contribute to the final image. For the blue channel I used 20% Ha added to 100% OIII when colour combining in Maxim DL (not sure if this correct, any suggestions would be appreciated). I am now going to have to wait until at least Sunday to continue with this or the middle of next week, at the moment this target is not available until about 12.30am courtesy of a neighbours tree. The Ha version is on my website http://www.imagingtheheavens.co.uk on the Nebulae 2 page of the image gallery. A full size version will be added to my other website Gordon Haynes's Photo Galleries at pbase.com when I am back at home

Thanks for looking

Best wishes



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The OIII may not be showing much detail but it does give a lot of info as to where the OIII is located so well worth while I think. Will you be adding any SII

Hi Martin

Thanks for the comments, I will be adding SII and giving it the full HST treatment at the next opportunity

Best wishes


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That's working out great, the full HaOiiSii will be knockout

I like how the narrowband images of this really bring out depth in the wall

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You must love this time of year with that setup Gordon! Great result so far, looking forward to the full HST pallete version.

Hi Tim

From May to February is the best time of year for me as there is a plethora of NB targets one after the other and just about all of them are fairly large so they are prime targets for the FSQ/H36 combination so this gives me a really good chance to improve on earlier efforts and also try to push the boundaries a bit further as well, ie narrower band pass filters (5nm as opposed to the 12nm I was using), auto guiding and 20 minute subs (I was using 10 minutes unguided), I will be trying for 30 minute subs later on to try and pull out more detail. I am hoping for some clear skies tonight to add the SII data to this as I am off duty and the weather forecast has changed and is looking promising

Upcoming targets will be





Heart and Soul

Simeis 147

Horse Head


Best wishes


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