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Carp Moonies :(


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Tried some pics of the moon tonight, Afocal -2 exposure.

Don't know if there worse or better than last time. I seemed to have trouble focusing. In the end I dewed up lol.





Think I am getting there with the exposure now, though it could have been the air making it hard to focus. Don't know whether to be pleased with this or not..



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Thanks J

I dunno, I was just hoping to get slightly sharper images like last time, prahaps the damp air might have something to do with it..

I think I might set up the tasco and have a peep at Orion later.

Will it be up by 4?


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Kain, you inspired me to take my first ever astro shot - I can't get focused either (I left it late as well so was contending with a tree). Maybe this one needs a special photoshop trick - I wish I knew how to!


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Great work Kain and Zeffer. Good to see how the moon images respond to tweaking. You two are really on a fast track to turning out some great images. By way of comparison here's my first effort and this was with the advantage of a toucam.


:wink::grin: Pretty grim in comparison eh?

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