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Iridium Flare

Robert Watson

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Hi All, Thought i'd post this ,Monday Night at around 10.10 pm looking south west i saw a very bright light coming from the south west it came right overhead and headed east. It was going at a good speed.Last night at 10.20 pm I had the dob in the garden for about an hour went out to check it as we had a million bugs here doing what bug's do when they've only got a short life span and the same bright light came from north east just as bright and going at the same speed, I did catch it on my video cam but not very well, i hope tonight i might catch it again I live in south down in N Ire so would like to here from N I if they seen this I'm 100% sure it was an Iriuium Flare:icon_eek:

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Sounds like the ISS Robert... West to East is going to be the ISS... Iridiums track N->S or S->N... the track isn't bright over the whole sky, just for about 15-20 seconds as it flares and dies away again.

if you register on heavens-above.com (it's free) you can get predictions for your location, and go back to previous days to check what it was you saw.

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Yes It was the ISS, my neighbours were still having a BBQ as I was setting up, and pointed it out to them.... wooo arrrrgh was there reply... :)

Its difficult to image when the beers are thrust upon you.. ;)


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Sorry about the late reply i was just reading my thread and i should have said north west to east. As i said in my thread i got it on my cam and when you slow it down its just a ball not a H shape like the ISS .I hope it was the ISS cause that would be a first for me

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