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What a night


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Last night was terrible , dont know if anyone else had trouble , first it was cloud and partly clear sky , then at 9 pm it cleared , so i set up , once all set up , i headed for the nebula IC1805 the heart nebula , combined with the soul Nebula , well after alot of swearing heheeh i managed to get the part i wanted centre frame , then off i went got to 8 subs and Hmmm te image went all white , EHH i thought , clouds , looked out ,clear as a bell , but noticed my house and conservatory windows where running in water , Yup u guessed it scope all misted over , so converted my gps 8 dew heater to fit the ED80 , off we go again , got to about 11 subs and, OH nooo whats happening now, stars all bloated and looking weird , <<scratches head , Ah , the CCD imager , took that out and the lens had misted over , never happened before , , two hours have now passed, ""KICKS DOG!! HELLS BELLS , OK DEW SHIELD DONE , CCDnow cleaned , placed a duster over the CCd allowing air to get to it, then off we go again , this time looks good ,rattled off 50 subs in HA, and followed by 30 subs each in RED BLUE GREEN, time now 1.30 in the morning , clear as a bell outside , Seven sisters looking good , was tempted but decided to process the HA part , thank goodness it was great , so today i will see how the colour data went , if no good i will post the HA and try for better colour Data tonight , if clear that is, heheheehhe , all in a nights work i guess with this hobby , gotta laugh though .


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Yes Rog, I had the same trouble.

It was absolutely running with dew at about 9-30pm where I was.

The TAL very rarely suffers from dew as it's got a huge dew shield - but last night was something else !

I wondered where the big bloated stars were coming from on the shots I was taking until I looked at the TAL lens.

I don't have any form of dew control but I'll obviously need some soon.


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It was grim!! Everything dripping, the seeing was the worst I have ever known and intermittent bands of murky cloud gradually taking over. Got 2 hours worth of M31 subs and the end result is rubbish :wink: Back to the drawing board

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