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The severn Sisters


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I think we've all missed the important question here........

Exactly which cakes were they, and were they real cream or fake 'squirty' stuff!

I've had first hand proof that the consistency of the cream makes a great deal of difference to the final image. Of course, you really need a couple of scones and a pot of jam........

And not too mention a poorly brewed tea. It can't be some slap-dash effort, it has to be properly made..........


OK, serious question - how do you overcome the noise @ ISO 1600 JD?

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Cake wise they were 2 REAL cream filled buns(none of that spray shaving foam carp), Tea was Earl Grey from the pot :wink:

Over coming the noise at iso 1600 well just getting as many frames as you can helps with this when processing it out Daz, also with the Filters available pretty much any image can be de noised. I like using the the gauss blur filter for this and lowering levels in photoshop, not sure about the 350d but the 300d camera has a lot of noisein the blue and red channel so these are my first ports of call when processing the noise out of images.


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I tried M45 last night, but the cloud gods conspired against me (and I didn't have any cream cakes!!).

Have just taken delivery of a UV/IR blocking filter so I really wanted to give that a go, coupled with my UHC-S filter.

Ah well. Looks like my next clear night will be some way away....... :wink:

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