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Live View on Canon (1000D)

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I have bought a Canon 1000D. I tried it out last night using my C80 ED using the live view mode. It worked OK on planets, but I couldn't see any stars on the screen. Has anybody else had experience of using this? Am I expecting too much or am I missing something?



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When using Live View on a 1000D or 450D, the only time I saw a star was if it was a bright star eg. Capella Acturus or Vega, or you could try using the EOS utility when focusing onto stars.


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The camera isn't sensitive enough to see most stars in liveview. You should be able to see the main stars in constellations, but dimmer stars will only show up with time exposures. In fact I align my scope with EQMOD by viewing main constellation stars through liveview.

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Liveview tries to simulate the Exposure so winding up the ISO and exposure time will show some fainter objects but the screen will get quite noisy.

If you have had liveview running for any length of time the subsequent exposures will be noisier and may show some glow artefact's until the camera sensor assembly cools down again...

When I am tethered to a PC I prefer to shoot short high ISO exposure and review them...


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make sure the ISO setting is 1600, this will make it as bright as possible, then set the shutter to >0.5s (it limits to around this anyway). With this setting, quite a few stars are visible in liveview with my f5 scope, certainly enough for alignment. It also works well for focusing with a bahtinov mask on brighter stars such as Acturus.

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I use liveview for focusing and alignment for EQMOD goto. I set the ISO to 1600 and the camera to bulb, this gives the brightest and noisiest views. But as I only use the brightest stars that can be seen naked eye anyway, I've not had an issue seeing the stars on the screen. I centre them, then zoom in and centre, zoom in and centre, that's the alignment sorted. After that I don't use liveview.

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It only works on the really bright stuff.

I found that out the long way ha ha. Try focusing on something like Capella or Vega or Sirius (if your early enough) then hope that it stays in focus for fainter objects.

Does your liveview also show faintish horizontal red/purple lines on it when using it in the dark? mine does, i assume its the same with everyones ?

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