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That's an absolute belter Olly!

Can't believe how bright that stands outs.... so how much time (number and duration of subs) was spent on that then..????

Another 'Olly Classic'.... clear skies!


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Thanks. Damian, about 4.5 hrs lum in 10 min subs and 55 mns per colour binned in 5 mn subs. Ha 2.5hrs in 10mn subs. I may well go for a real Ha dose when I get the EM 200 up and running. I also used a really long but not very successful 8 hrs OSC in the mix but kept little of it, really. I'd like to try 20mn subs for the Ha. BTW, thanks for your help on the mount. I subsequenetly had trouble setting up the Com ports but it seems to be all in place - just like the rain!


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