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M106 1h 25min 150p-ds 1000d


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Here's one of M106 (and a few others) from Monday night. There was about a 3/4 moon so it had a bit of a gradient across the image, but I managed to remove most of it with the background extraction in Pixinsight. This is 17x5min subs, 1000d, baader mpcc, Celestron UHC/LPR filter, ISO400, 150p-ds this time.

I recently bought the Celestron filter (very cheaply) to replace the Astronomik CLS EOS clip filter which I had. The characteristics appeared similar, infact the Celestron has slightly more narrow bands. The main thing is that it's 2" so I can use it with the scope and also attach it to the front of my Canon lenses when doing wide fields using an adapter (as the ef-s lenses can't be use with the EOS-clip filter).

The first one is the whole frame, the second is a crop of M106 which was cropped first, then processed in PS.




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Nice results, and the widefield is great as others have said.

I notice a few dark halos around the stars on the close-up that look like sharpening halos.

Did you use unsharp mask in photoshop?

If so, there's a way to avoid them.

After sharpening, and before doing anything else at all, go to....


This will bring up a box which will allow you to change how the effect is applied. Change it to LIGHTEN in the drop down menu.

This will lose the halos, but you will need to experiment a bit with how much you initially sharpen, as the effect is not so strong once this has been done.



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Nice results, and the widefield is great as others have said.

I notice a few dark halos around the stars on the close-up that look like sharpening halos.

Did you use unsharp mask in photoshop?

If so, there's a way to avoid them.

After sharpening, and before doing anything else at all, go to....


This will bring up a box which will allow you to change how the effect is applied. Change it to LIGHTEN in the drop down menu.

This will lose the halos, but you will need to experiment a bit with how much you initially sharpen, as the effect is not so strong once this has been done.



Thanks Rob, you reminded me that I had read about that technique a while ago, but had completely forgotten about it. Will give it a try next time round.

And thanks for everyone's comments. Apart from collimation nerves, it's nice to think that the 5mins subs with the 150p are equivalent to 11min subs with the C80-ED. I keep thinking "I'm taking 11min subs"!!

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