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M81 & M82, 1h 55m C80-ED


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here's my attemp at M81 and M82 from the weekend before last. It was a bit of a murky night with poor seeing and I was struggling to get any real detail or colour until I received some tips for DSS settings (thanks to Uranium235), so here's the result.

C-80ED, mod'd 1000d, HEQ5, ST80/Mintron guided with guidemaster, 23x5min subs, ISO1600, darks and flats, cropped image.


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of course; the biggest difference I found was checking the 'set black point to zero' box. For some reason, is seems to bring more colours out in the final image. Also, not selecting any white balance settings (I was doing auto), not aligning RGB in the final image and selecting background calibration. Also upping the saturation to 20-30%. In the past I've performed all the changing in Photoshop, but now I'm getting better results if I do these initial stages in DSS.

Also I never knew that you could select part of the image in DSS to work on (saves applying changes to the whole image which takes a while) and also you can zoom in using the mouse thumb wheel.

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Monitor Calibrations is a whole new can of worms...

If your using PS/CS use f8 to bring up the "info" tab and keep and eye of the RGB values displayed as you move around the background...

Nice to see that someone have been able to get out and capture some new data...


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Great capture: tight round stars, detail and colour - though a tad green as already mentioned!

Still struggling too with how images look on my calibrated monitor at home and then how they appear when uploaded here..? :D

Clear skies....


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thank you for all your encouraging comments, and the link Kevin, I'll have a read through it.

Here's a version with the green reduced a bit, it was only about 5 levels above the other channels in the background, but quite obvious on my othe rmonitor.


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had a bit of a play with PS based on Riklaunim's link to; astrogaleria.com.pl

created a duplicate layer, with the blend set to colour, then applied curves in this duplicate layer. It brings out some interesting colours. Not sure if they are realistic, but it emphasises certain parts of the galaxy.


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