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SGL5 - 2 day observing report

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We were so lucky to have 2 clear days and nights at Lucksall and here is my observing log.

Friday daytime -

Solar views with Jamie's twin PST with additional stacking filter one side. Great surface and edge views.

Used my own standard PST with some nice proms and filaments visible. Joined by my neighbours to view through the PST.

Early evening and night time viewing

Used my 4" Astro Tech ED frac to view Mercury, then Mars and Saturn

Had a great view of Saturn through Ian's (Astronut) 9.25" Celestron SCT. Sharp as a razor with many moons visible.

Had a look through Breakintheclouds 8" Newt at several objects including NGC4565.

Had my mind blown away by viewing the Sombrero (M104) and the edge on spiral NGC4565 through Mutley's 20" Dob - incredible.

Saturday daytime

Attended a few lectures thanks Lunator and Albedo0.39 for the star doubles and collimation talks.

Nick H gave a talk on PST modification and then showed us solar surface images through his Vixen modified frac. Thanks Nick

Pam then joined me from home (10 minutes) for an afternoon picnic - I think she was checking I had not bought anything!!

Evening/night viewing

I decided to go home late afternoon to pick up my 10" Dob - so glad I did.

I had planned several targets to view starting with.

Caldwell 7 NGC2403 in Camelopardalis. Very clear in the 10". Then Caldwell 3 NGC 4236 in Draco. Again very clear.

I had my best view of M51 seeing the spiral arms. Also M81 and M82 increible view through the 8mm and 13mm Ethos. Over to the Leo triplets M65 and M66 with NGC 3628 being very clear.

Finally the Virgo cluster specifically the Markarian chain. Starting with M84 just so many galaxies. What a time to end.

In conclusion I had a wonderful neighbour in RikMcRae and a good session on saturday night with Rik, Jarndyce and Breakintheclouds. Then Keith Old Codger came over and viewed the virgo cluster - thanks guys.



Nice report.

Thanks Mark for showing me the sun which is my first time through the eyepiece. Glad to meet and talk with you.



Nice report of two wonderful nights Mark :)

At times, especially on the Saturday night, I wished I'd bought my 10" newtonian as the views of galaxies even with the 6" refractor were excellent. I did have the consolation of a peek at M51 through Steve's 16" Lightbridge and the 20" David Lukehurst dobsonian - as you say, rather mind-blowing what big aperture can do under dark skies :D


Great report Mike and I'm more sorry than ever that I didn't take you up on your kind offer of a glimpse through your beautiful EPs. Thanks for the views of the sun, that was great fun.


Steph I hope you are feeling better. I was hoping to see more of you and Carl at SGL5 but we all got so busy. Rich and Breakintheclouds came over to view through the Ethos EPs - I think they liked them. Steph maybe you can use them next time. Regards to Carl.



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