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Hi all.

Clear again last night :D but conditions were not as good as the night before, the seeing was much worse and as a result although I took another 20 @ 5 min's luminance to add to the 29 @ 5 min's from the night before, I only used 10 as using all 20 softened the detail too much.

The colour data was also a struggle and I really had to wrestle the RGB data to get the colour right.

So the image is now LRGB.

L 39 @ 5 mmin's

RGB 10 @ 5 min's each

I am Pleased with the star colours in this shot.



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Thanks Resonator77.

my setup details are

Camera Starlight Express HX916 mono CCD.

The data was taken through my 10" f4.8 newt through Astronomik LRGB type 2 filters (no LP filters used)

guided with an EQ6 pro and a DMk21 CCD through an 80ED refractor.


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