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Weird Sky's

Robert Watson

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Hi All,

Did anyone have trouble with the sky last night.

I went out around 10.30 11.00 as the night was clear as a bell (northern Ireland saying) but i just could'nt keep anything in focus, every time i went to look at somthing i got it in focus and it seemed to go out , and who said all aircraft were grounded i seen a load of them last night,Would love to here from anyone who had dif's last night PS my scope was collimnated and i did'nt have any drink,Well not untill12.30:icon_scratch:

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Hi Robert.

I had the same problem and the night before too. I've not checked if my scope needs collimating but I put it out about an hour ago and it focussed fine on some trees in the distance. I'm just about to go out now and the sky is perfectly clear so hopefully I won't have any problems.

It may have something to do with the dust.


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Did anyone have trouble with the sky last night.

I went out around 10.30 11.00 as the night was clear as a bell (northern Ireland saying) but i just could'nt keep anything in focus, every time i went to look at somthing i got it in focus and it seemed to go out

No problems here (north Antrim coast) in fact the seeing was quite good. The temperature was falling fast though, perhaps your issues were due to tube currents whilst your scope was cooling. I put my CPC1100 out about 7-30 pm & allowed it to cool whilst it was going dark.

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Hi Robert

I went out last night and it wasn't good really, I haven't checked my collimation but it was focussing ok on stars and planets. I came in and told my wife about it and she said that maybe I'm going out too early and after thinking about it I came to the conclusion that she's right. I'm so used to going out in the autumn and winter and by then it's already been dark 3 or 4 hours.

So I shall start going out a bit later from now on.

I hope it's getting better for you Robert an I still think all this volcanic dust is making it slightly harder to see properly.

Good luck.


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