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Leo Trio and that tidal tail! (What a tale.)


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Jordan (JCJC) spotted a tidal tail in a pot-boiler image pf the Triplet that I posted a while back. I decided to have a go for it. Hmmm.

Difficult. This is eight hours and since I don't think I'm really getting anywhere I will stop here and just do some colour for it. The tail is visible but it won't poke you in the eye... The trouble is it really isn't climbing out of the background sky so I've been struggling with this. Still some tidying to do when I get the colour.


Tak FSQ85, Atik4000 mono, 8 hrs in subs of ten and five mins.


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Wow Olly,

You've got to be pleased with the result!

Could you try longer subs, to get a few more photons or will this make the background too bright?

I saw an impressive image with the tidal tail, where the guy started with 30min subs then switched to 15min as the skyglow was destroying the dim signal from the tail

Look forward to the colour version but on it's own this is stunning!

Congrats Olly, I don't think many amateurs have achieved such a result as this! :)


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