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Preparations for Starparty Virgins!!


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Hi All

With only a couple of weeks to go to SGL5 and Kelling, now is the time to start checking everything! Not just your astro gear, but your camping stuff as well. You don't want to get there and find you have left some vital piece of equipment - tent poles for example!

I ran through my polar alignment and mount alignment routines yesterday and the day before, checked the camera's all work as expected and started making the list of things I need to take. Because my mount is in the observatory, I need to remember my tripod, spreader and the big centre bolt and hand-nut for it (I have on one occasion driven to Canterbury from Bedford, for a nights observing, only to find I left the centre bolt and nut at home! Never again!!)

I shall be going through the camping stuff over the next couple of days - making sure the airbeds are OK, inflator works, kettle works and most importantly - the beer fridge chills to the required temperature :(:D

There is always help on hand if you get stuck - especially for tent pitching, gazebo erecting or awning attaching, and if you do forget something vital, there is probably someone that can help out!

So looking forward to this and meeting everyone!

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I know this sounds sad but make a list and tick things off as you pack them into the car. The amout of times Ive heard people cursing as they unpack the car because they have forgotton, scope covers, or mount counter weights or even cameras :(

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I know this sounds sad but make a list and tick things off as you pack them into the car. ...

I too am equally sad. I now have a standard list for star parties.

Each year I start by reviewing the list to see what can be taken off and what, more commonly, I want to to add. (I have no idea how it will all fit in the car :(). This year's camping additions are a memory foam mattress topper and a small aluminium camping table.

The astronomy kit list has actually shrunk at bit.

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I have a list of:

Things to do before packing

like attaching roof box, checking tent, ensuring red screen cover for laptop hasnt destroyed itself, jaffa cake supply is adequete, etc

and then another list:

Things to find

Is it in the hallway?

Is it in the car?

And check it all off as I go along... of course, this only actually works if I follow the list (*cough* sleeping bag for wales)

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From my experience though, someone can usually help you ou though if you do forget something (except for tent poles though), we could probably put a whole imaging rig together from spares.


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I don't need a list. I just have the words "Remember the tent poles" tattoo'd onto both hands, both legs and my forehead...


I bet your face was a picture.......did you swear a lot? :(

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A reminder for those who are bringing laptops that you MUST cover the screen with some kind of red cover during darkness to prevent the light affecting other people's nghtvision. Either get some red acetate sheet from your local art shop, or buy some of the "primary red" sheet from here:


It doesnt have to be fancy or perfect, so long as all the nornal white light from the screen is hidden, and everything shows as shades of red, otherwise you will be the most unpopular person on the field! Dont think you can just set your screen theme to a red based pallete and get away with it, that just doesnt work well enough.

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They certainly did... I may forget my poles but I'll definitely have a stash of Jaffa's and Red Bull. As Kate's coming I'll have to find someone reliable to store the Jaffa's so that she won't know... anyone reliable out there able to look after them for me :p No Steve, sorry - not you :)


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