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Olly's mounting excitement...


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I run a couple of EQ six mounts, autoguided, and they deliver. But in the last twelve months, what have I seen down here? Three AP 900's, A Gemini G41, An AP Mach One, An AP1200 (yessss...), a Losmandy G11, an Egyptology of Sphinxes and Martin's Tak EM200. Well I mean dammit, I have to keep up don't I? My pal Tom O'D keeps on about his Tak mount as well. I was doomed. So I am in the process of ordering a Tak EM200. Complicated business, though, because everything is extra and some of the prices induce a kind of hysterical mocking inner laughter - nature's way of warding off tears - like HOW many euros for an ST4 cable? Go on, guess...

I hope it will make look nice with the TEC on board and get lots of good results for all.

Erm, haven't mentioned this to Monique, yet. I'll probably tell her in English with an Outer Hebredian accent, very quickly, and hope she misses it.


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Erm, haven't mentioned this to Monique, yet. I'll probably tell her in English with an Outer Hebredian accent, very quickly, and hope she misses it.


And who says partners have to always understand one another anyway, no relationship is perfect :(

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Just use a dobsonian mount: £10s to make, none of that computer/technology interfacing and you can do your image processing in real time with an eye-brain-pencil.

Seems a no brainer to me. Each to their own I guess!


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Just use a dobsonian mount: £10s to make, none of that computer/technology interfacing and you can do your image processing in real time with an eye-brain-pencil.

Seems a no brainer to me. Each to their own I guess!


Hmm, yes, and we do have a big Dob and a few pencils but take this object, for instance, which is about five times too big to fit in the eyepiece and almost entirely invisible in a 20 inch, even in fragments...


Imaging does have its place...


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It's IC1396, a classic photographic object. The feature running from 10 o'clock on the limb towards the centre is the much photographed Elephant Trunk Nebula. This was taken with a very short focal length (328mm) to fit it all in. I had a really keen-eyed Belgian guy determined to see patches of it in his 14 inch and our 20 inch Dob but he had to admit defeat. He reckons he got a few wisps. I could get nothing, alas.


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