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Last year's M81/82 data reprocessed


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I spent a couple of evenings grabbing a fair amount of data on this (the?) classic galaxy pairing last year but for some reason or another, I never managed to get it looking right despite several attempts at processing (for the original plus all the exposure times etc etc see here: http://stargazerslounge.com/imaging-deep-sky/74147-m81-82-lrgb.html ). So flush from my M106 colour image where I discovered a couple of new tricks, I decided to give this yet another go and I think finally I'm satisfied with it. If I'm being critical I think I've slightly over-sharpened the galaxies which has left a little too much noise but it doesn't look too bad :).



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Thanks guys :(.

could you please give the specs for that shot i.e. exposure times

The luminence was 3hrs 6 mins (31 x 6 mins), Red and Green 52 minutes each (13 x 4 mins) and Blue was 1 hr 4 mins (16 x 4 mins). The colour was binned 2x2. All the other info is here: http://stargazerslounge.com/imaging-deep-sky/74147-m81-82-lrgb.html .


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TBH, with the luminence I normally try to throw enough time at it to get a relatively smooth image showing most of the details. With brighter objects like these two it doesn't take a huge amount of time relatively speaking for me to be happy with the results but fainter stuff can take a lot longer.

With the RGB, I always used to go with the traditional wisdom that you have to do an equal amount of RGB to match the luminence (albeit binned 2x2 to save time) plus a little bit extra of Blue to counteract the effects of atmospheric scattering. But with a recent session, I decided to do unbinned RGB and only do an hour of each colour (compared to the nearly 5 hours of luminence) which gave pretty good results so I think I'll be doing that in future.


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