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I see the year round DST is raising its head again in the UK......

Yup. Think that's why she asked me. Every year at the change over time, the telly or radio seems to have this discussion.


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"Spring forward, fall back". Means absolutely nothing astronomically speaking, except as a reminder that for northerly observers the end of the deep-sky season is approaching. At least dawn will come a little later on the clock for a while, so must make sure I get in an all-nighter or two before May.

I can remember the experiment when the clocks didn't change (we were on GMT+1 all year round from 27 October 1968 to 31 October 1971, according to Wikipedia - so it ended when I was 10). In Scotland it meant it was still dark when we went to school in winter and we had reflective armbands etc. Nowadays young kids don't walk alone to school and I doubt it would be a problem. Think what kids in Iceland put up with.

Really wouldn't care either way if we were GMT or BST all year round. One thing that astro teaches is that the clocks that really matter are the ones in the sky - and we can't change those.

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I think Stellarium changes automatically - as it's tied in with the computer clock.

Apologies if I am wrong, I have never noticed an issue in October and did not actively investigate whether it's an automatic change.

I can now escape my home and do cross-country around the countryside all evening...but then Orion sets...and I won't be able to get out and observe until midnight. Ah....

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I can just about remember that daylight saving experiment too (I was 7 when it ended). It was an adventure going to school in the dark. We were on an RAF base in England and it wasn't far to school, so me and my mate used to go together. We had brand new torches, too!

I think that if that is what is proposed this time, it would be most unpopular.


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OK i might be being thick, but i am strugging to work out when asked by my Synscan handset, when is Daylight Saving Yes or No, are we moving into the period that is YES, or No?

Thanks and apologise for my stupidity.

Its just i can find out a lot about BST/Daylight Saving but rarely does as site say yes or no.

Thanks again chaps and chapesses.

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We're moving into the YES time.

When I was in college, there was one guy who always forgot to change his clocks. We'd all turn up for the first lecture on Monday morning after the change and he'd either be an hour late (Spring) or sitting there waiting for us (Autumn).


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Does anyone else find BST hard to adjust too? Maybe I'm just a dark person, but just as I find greating Orion a warming experience, so to do I feel about the return to GMT in the autumn.

Farewell ye bitter nights that have me viewing long. Replaced are you now spring is here with early morning song. I'll lament you through the twilight that ne'er seems to pass. Till the might hunter rises high and snow falls on Kielder grass.

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You lose an hour in spring so getting up for work is harder cos you had to stay up later last night doing astronomy for longer cos the darned clocks went forward and you got less dark sky.

It's a pita if you have a telescope - come to think of it - it was a pita before I had a telescope cos I used to stay up later enjoying the longer warmer lighter evenings. Just can't win lol :)

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