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Neat Image Demo pages.


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Hi all,

I've been pottering away with my new toy, Neat Image noise reducing software. I try hard to keep noise down by taking very long data sets but even so it is hard to eliminate noise. This software is very simple to use and can be applied selectively if you have Ps or similar.

In the demo gallery I have prepared I simply applied it to the whole image. M78 was horrible before but the next two images, the Scultpor galaxy and the Cocoon, were not too bad. However, both seem better to me, albeit in a subtle way. Look at the dust lanes in the Cocoon. If you are conservative in the level of reduction applied it seems to me that there is no price to pay for the smoothing. A free lunch!

To see the images at full size (essential) click on the thumbnail then on the larger image and select from the size menu the option '0'.

Here's the gallery;

NEAT IMAGE demonstrated. - ollypenrice's Photos


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