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When I get my scope out of the box - What would you look at first?

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I have got a Skywatcher ED120, and so far it's not been out the box!! It is going out to Spain when I emigrate next week.

My question to you is what you would look at the very first time you got the scope out? Not the manual of course!!

I have some idea of the sky and can work around it a little. I wouldn't want to mess about with the tracking on the mount for the first outing. What will give me that really WOW factor for the first look ever?

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At the moment it's going to be Mars and Saturn. Also M42 is still around but losing height pretty rapidly but then from Spain it still should be pretty high at a decent time.

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I would be inclined to pop it out of the box and check its all there before you ship it to Spain...and then pop it straight back in again...

Plus you would be letting the "clouds" that are used as protective packaging out in the UK then rather than under "Spanish" skies... :headbang:


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No... Peter... don't let the clouds out ... :headbang:...

Sarah... have to agree. Get it out the boxes and check all looks good and no issues. Even if you don't ... get it out the box and set it up during the day when you can see what you're doing... work out the controls etc during the day... pick something suitable on the ground some distance away to practice on, and align the finder etc.

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Cheers folks - Just unwrapped the scope and mount - They both look OK.

Your ideas are good, so I'll definately start there - I have experience of a Meade ETX70, so I really hope to be blown away by this scope.

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Crescent moon at 150x power. Never ceases to amaze me.

Funnily enough, the first thing I did with my ED120 was look at the Moon with my now departed 7mm Nagler and there was a definate sharp intake of breath :headbang:. Awesome sight.


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