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Going to have a crack @ m13 with SC1

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This is what I managed to get with the SC1 and M13 - I actually found M13 really hard with the toucam. Not sure why...


Good Luck, it's a little windy up this end of the country! Better down your way I hope.


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M82 in Ursa Major is a great target for the Toucam, it really reponds well. The first target I went for back in 2003 and still the best dso image i got with the SC1.

It's neighbour, M81, is a right royal pain in the bum.

So in short, you want the long thin jobby, not the round one.


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Ohh I hoped you would not offer these two!!.... you know that with most things in life there is always a problem!. M81 & 82 are my Astro problem... I can never find the blooming things!!!

Ok, gauntlet down!....

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Yeah still got some details

ToUcam Pro 740

200mm F/5 Reflector

Prime Focus

20 x 20 seconds

I can't remember the gain settings and I didn't make a note of it :)

Taken in March 2004

Captured with K3CCD

Stacked in Registax v2.

I too am amazed what you can do with a simple £30 webcam.


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