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A 67 pane mosaic from 26-01-2010


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Being a DSLR prime shooter of the Moon, last night i had a go with a cheap webcam and tried stacking for the first time.

Having seen this monster image, I now know I wont be producing anything like this for a very long time.

Well worth the time and effort Billy, excellent result.


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I normally scan the whole surface and set and then lock exposure based on the brightest areas of the lunar disc... this helps stops blowing out detail in the highlights and maintains a consistent exposure for the whole image...

I used f6.3 as I like shooting at shortest possible exposure time toghetehr with the fact that i had missed bits in my three previous attempts... so wanted the increased FOV offered by the FR to minimise the chances of doing this again..


I agree with that entirely - unless you set a locked exposure, the various panes will come out at different exposures and won't match very well. The fast shutter speed is also very usefull because it helps to minimise the atmospheric distortion blurring.

Edit - opps - nearly forgot to say - a very impressive mosaic - Nice Peter.

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