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Observing Session 18 August

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Not managed a clear night for ages.

Tonight the sky was reasonably free of clouds. 10-45pm, no wind and 15c.

Sky clearest and darkest in the area of the Summer Triangle

First up Albireo, a splendid view of this wide double through the TAL125R and the 15mm Lanthanum @77x

In my previous scope - the TAL100RS, the secondary always looked greenish blue. In the TAL125R it looks a brilliant blue.

I know there is a difference of opinion about the colour of the secondary - some see this as green with the majority favouring blue. I've seen comment that the TAL scopes have a slight yellow bias. This would I suppose turn a blue star green.

Next up M57, the Ring Nebula. This appeared as a greyish smoke ring, not particularly bright,

Down and east to this month's target M27. Looked like a bluish/greyish blob with a waist. With averted vision saw some nebulosity.

Down a bit further and to the east to look at the globular cluster M15. Very clear with an obvious, bright compact central core and fainter widespread parts. Down a bit to look at the dimmer globular cluster M2. The decreasing altitude and some L.P. made it a very faint object. Then the cloud rolled over and I packed in about 11-15pm

I suppose 1/2 hour of reasonable 'sky time' is better than nothing!


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