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Weather forecasts

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And welcome to met hell LOL

I sail, Glide and look at the heavens and the only way to decide if its going to be OK in your area is to LOTW





Nobody seems to be able to forecast cloud cover well.

Join the frustrated majority and clear skies...occasionally

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in my experience most weather forecast are generally completely wrong. I mean, not just slightly out, but completely opposite to what they've forecast. The best way is to look at the satellite image (SAT24) and try to work out if there's cloud heading your way. Even this is not totally reliable as cloud can form over your head or approaching clouds can disipate.

Generally I find it will remain clear until the moment you get the equipment setup, then it will cloud over until the moment you give up and pack it way, at which time it'll be the clearest night you've ever seen. Also, wait for a full moon, it's almost always a perfectly clear night, but observing is very limited!

sorry I'm a bit pesimistic about the weather, but realistic too! ;)

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Satellite imagery is the best way to go. It gives you a good idea of where the cloud cover is, and if you run the animation sequences you can come up with an idea of where it is heading, and how quickly. Sat24, as others have said is good. I tend to use the metoffice infrared sat images and animations - not the forecast ones but the real time actual views.

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