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Polar Scope Quick Tip

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Could be that this is already a well known one, I discovered it this week, but here goes. When aligning to Polaris with a polar scope, firstly, the software 'polarfinder' is invaluable, it allows you to print a picture of what you should see in your polar scope at that specific time. BUT, when i tried it, I couldn't for the life of me see any of the markings in my polarscope, not the circle or anything, but if you get a red light torch and place the edge of the torch lens onto the edge of the polarscope 'out hole' (technical term) so that the red light is shining in the hole at about 45 degrees, look through the polar scope and just vary the angle of the redlight torch and when the angle is right, all the markings light up but you still EASILY see polaris in the scope.

have i discovered what is already an old trick or is it a new one? Works great anyway.

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