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ED120 focus problems

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I have an eyepiece notorious for needing lots of back focus, which just doesn't come to focus in my ED120 with a diagonal.

I also fancy using binoviewers in the scope, but there's hardly any available back focus.

Short of cutting the tube down, is there anything I can do to get more back focus on the scope? I looked at a few replacement focusers, but none of them look to be any lower in profile than Skywatchers stock crayford.

Any ideas?



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A 1.25" diagonal has a shorter light path than a 2" so that might work if the offending eyepiece is in that fitting.

I realise that you would then have to switch diagonals to use your 2" EP's which is not so good...

Probably best if you give up and sell the scope to me ........ :);)

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I think back focus does mean (somewhat confusingly) in-focus, but I may be wrong. I was hoping not to have to use barlows by default...

Now I didn't think of a 1.25" diagonal - that would probably do it. The eyepiece does have a 1.25" barrel and I don't have a problem with any 2" eyepieces. Maybe even the binoviewer will come to focus with a smaller diagonal... who knows?

Thanks John!


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No worries Argonaut!

Thanks for the offer, John, but I'm very confident the Speers WALER will focus with the 1.25" diagonal. It's matter of 2mm of something!! The binoviewer is only theoretical at this point...



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