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This is my second attempt at getting something out of the flame (& horsehead) nebula. I started out when the moon was still not over the rooftops, but there was a lot of white, which apears to have been to the top of the image. I was looking to improve on the flame, as the camera is as yet unmodified. I cropped the image to remove the worst of the noise at the top, and it had to be quite heavily processed to get at the data, which shows.

I also took 60 x 1 mins, but midway through the run the laptop went to sleep, which ended up with one 17 minute exposure, and the tracking was such that the shift in position meant they were not usable.

Any suggestions as to how to push this further welcome, I'll probably have another go at stacking, and see if any of the 1 min frames are salvageable. This was primarily for me to work on getting flats sorted, and tob try and tease a bit more out of the flame, ready for when I get a chance without the moon being so bright. There is a slight bit of trailing, but I've not yet quite got to grips with the synscan, and am beginning to think I need to strip & re-fit the HEQ5 internals, as it makes a terrible noise when the SPX is loaded, but not the Onyx, and I suspect the gears (or whetever they are called) are slipping.

Onyx ED 80 ED, HEQ5+sysncan unguided, Canon EOS1000D unmodded.

30 x 2 min ISO 800 Light, 10 x 2 min Dark, 20 Flat, 11 bias.

Stacked in DSS & processed in PSE7



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Very good for unguided, I struggled to get up to 2 mins unguided also with my Heq5pro.

The gears do make a kind of grinding noise when starting to slew and when stopping, I think that is normal.

Theres a few videos on youtube of Heq's actualy slewing if you want to see if ith the same sort of noise your getting.

Cant help with your image tho, I'm still a bit rubbish at it myself :)

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