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A chill wind Mars, Jan 29/30


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I didn't get back from Sky at Night filming until late last night after a fantastic visual view of Mars through Patrick's 15" reflector. I did manage to grab some shots of Mars in between setting up and the clouds rolling in at 2am although the seeing wasn't that special. Here's a quick process of the first data set. This is a straight RGB.


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A lot less blur here, makes it easier to see the shape of the features, How does your setup cope with slight wind Pete ? looks to me like, it hardly affects it all. Just out of interest what mount do you use, The dark feature on the ice cap looks less like a cloud than on my image, ( possibly better definition and contrast ) so i take it its not a cloud or dust kicking up ?

Great precise detail as usual

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Hi Neil, my C-14 is mounted on a Losmandy G-11. I have the set up near to a tall privet hedge to the west. If the wind's coming from its normal prevailing direction, the hedge acts as a barrier. Last night the wind was blowing in gusts and hearing the trees rustle, I knew that the scope was due a push. At times the image jumped off the frame boundary.

The wind coming from the north isn't ideal for me because that's the direction that gives me the worst seeing. I need a south-westerly for the best results. I can remember seeing Mars on the computer screen last apparition during good seeing. The view was breathtaking with the features so crisp and clear. Sadly, that's not really happened this time around yet although there have been a couple of reasonable nights.

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Great stuff Pete, love that second image.

I've braved the last two nights myself down here in Warsash, boy it was so cold (-6). These images cement my obs with my humble SW 150P!. Great images indeed.

Thanks for sharing


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