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Hello and a celebration for a new scope!


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Hi all,

Having been lurking for some time and bought a scope from the classifieds of this very board, I thought it was time to check in and say hi.

Since last week I have been using a Russian made 3" newt, had it now for well over 10 years, bought by my parents a a gift when I was little. It is built like a tank out of thick gauge steel... the pier looks suspiciously like a scaffold pole. It has however served me well for (very) casual observing and gives a reasonable view of Jupiter with a little colour banding, Saturn in an indistinct fuzzy but the rings are defiantly there (if you squint).

However... a couple of months ago, after a beery all nighter, I was pulled into this past time in a big way when I looked at Saturn through a 10" Meade SCT.

;) *%&$ I never knew it could look like that! ;)

After my buddy took me on a tour of the more spectacular M numbers avalible I was sold, I needed to upgrade my scope. To cut short, after umming and ahhhing for a time, Neil Phillip's 8" SCT LX10 presented itself through the google search :)

Took it out the other night 10pm for a view S and E taking in Mars and M42. Beautiful contrasty features evident on Mars, strands of nebulosity in M42 could be seen despite the full(ish) moon close by.

Damn I think I’m bitten by this bug. So much to learn but so much to see.

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Welcome to the forum Jim. Sounds like you are bitten now.....could be slippery slope (aperture fever, eyepiece envy)....get the cash at the ready! Only joking of course. :)

Enjoy your new purchase, it's a great scope, i have the same one and love it.



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Thanks very much everyone.

I'm always amazed with the quality and quantity of information sites such as SGL have, an invaluable resource I will contribute to.

@russ, I'm well on the way down the slope, just ordered a 7mm ortho after being disappointed with a barlowed 17mm skywatcher plossl. I can justify this, Mars is such a lovely sight atm :)

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Nice choice Jim. And 286x will be a great mag for Mars, just right. Also handy for Jupiter later when it starts to rise high in the sky.....roll on 2011 for that, although 2010 won't be bad.


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