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at last!


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Got a good 3 hours observing today at last!

Total novice and was surprised (pleasantly) by the Moon and Jupiter with at least 2 moons

Less impressed with stars...Betelgeuse, Rigel and Vega being easy targets...

My RDF is rubbish and it is very hard to find these things the field of view being very small

i expected to see all 3 stars in Orions belt together and work from there bur couldn't!

Oh well, It can only get easier I suppose (Can't afford a GOTO yet!!)

Anyway, glad to at least start on this new hobby and may there be many more clear nights!!

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I agree with the star clusters they aren't effected by light pollution as much as the galaxies and nebulas. M45 sounds an obvious target but it's pretty spectacular up close, there are a few clusters in Auriga well worth a look aswell :)

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Looking at single stars through a telescope is about as interesting as watching grass grow. No matter how much you magnify, they will still only be a point source of light.Betelgeuse is the only star (apart from the sun of course) that has been resolved as a disk rather than a point but only by combining several huge, professional telescopes.

I guess "looking at the stars" is just a figure of speech..

Star clusters and double or multiple star systems that can be resolved (split) in amateur scopes are far more interesting.

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Managed to find the orion nebula ( im a newcomer and this was only my second outing with my scope ) last night but any nebulosity shown left alot to be desired unfortunately,,, darn light pollution....

Hi everyone by the way :)

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